This is an “open ended” fund, which issues redeemable shares, and it is extended to achieve growth. Consequently dividends, interest or any other income re automatically re-invested, and reflected in NAV per share at the end of the day.

Equities Portfolio

- Investment Strategy: Invests in equities offered in the U.S.  stock markets, especially ETF or index trust or mutual funds and ARDs, that are available in the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, AMEX, or any other American stock market. The liquidity of the portfolio may be invested in treasury bills, short-term corporate debt or left in cash management accounts. However, the core investment strategy is to use technical and fundamental analysis, establishing the world wide equities  indexes investments proportions and cash at any particular time.

- Specific Investment Policies: No short selling. Margin trading up to 10% of portfolio is permitted. Hedging only through covered positions.

- Risk Factors: Market dynamics.

- Investors Profile: This portfolio is suitable for investors who are looking for long term capital appreciation as a hedge against inflation, and are willing to tolerate short term fluctuations in value.

- Risk Barometer: high
- Investors Time Horizon: minimum 5 years.